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Sports - Track & Field

Statistics From A-To-Z

Athletics Stats | Track and Field Stats
These pages contain links to World Wide Web pages and other info concerning the state of the sport of Athletics (also known, in the U.S., as track and field).


Publications On Running, Walking, And Fitness

Publications.html | Running, Walking, and Fitness Publications
A complete listing of running, walking and fitness publications, magazines, and newsletters.

Track and Field Rankings
Get the latest national and world class rankings.

Track and Field
All the ins and outs of the world of track and field.

USA Track and Field
USA Track and Field is the national governing body for track and field, long distance running, race walking, and cross country.

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Date Modified:
Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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X-Country Analysis
This link will get you into the world of cross country.

Running Stuff
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Race Info Hotlines
This is a list of phone numbers around the world giving recorded race info, with an occasional phone number for a running store playing a major role in local racing activity.

Athletics Home Page
The latest records around the world of athletics.

Tommy's Decathlon Page
What would track and field be without the decathlon?


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