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Science and Technology (Biology) - Zoology - Insects




AES Bug Club
Devoted to kids and the "Young at heart" who find insects and other creepy crawlies interesting and even fascinating.

Descriptive and biological information on everyone's favoritie insect, the cockroach.

Book of Insect Records
The University of Florida has compiled this astounding book of facts on various species of insects.

Buggy Software
Insect and bug-related software for the home PC, providing research tools and information.

A photographic essay of the kinds of bugs you want to have in your computer.

Californai Dragonflies and Damselflies
Biological and scientific informaiton on the various species of these insects throughout the state. Includes photos.

Care of Cockroaches
If you want your pet cockraoch to live, take a look at these helpful tips and instructions.

Cockroach Picture Gallery
Identify the various origins of the species of roach about the meet the sole of your shoe.

Cultural Entomology
What insects do we find in art? Do insects carry symbolism? Seek answers to these cultural and historical questions through the study of bugs.

Dr. Don's Termite Pages
Lots about termites, what they are and what they do, learn how to avoid termite problems, how to get rid of termites, and how not to get rid of termites.

A lovely personal site by a real dragonfly lover. Contains info on how they fly, their life cycle, graphics and much more.

Dragonflies and Damselflies
Check out news stories, information requests, events, meetings etc. It also serves as a link to other Odonata related sites.

Research paper on the nutritional value of insects as a food source.

Entomology for Beginners
Cool info on the body parts and metamorphisis of insects.

Essig Museum of Entomology
Museum collection maintains approximately 4.5 million specimens, primarily from western North America and the northern neotropics.

Diptera, Nematocera, mosquitos, spiders -- if it creeps, crawls, flies or is annoying, you can find its full bio here.

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Date Modified:
Tuesday, July 03, 2001

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Broken into searchable Orders, you can view every insect in North America in French, Spanish and English.

Insects on the WWW
Indexed alphabetically and by topic, if it crawls, flies, buzzes or squashes, you will find it here.

Interactive Fly
Drosophila genes and their roles in development, tissue and organ development and an alphabetical listing of genes.

Japanese Ants Color Image Database
A guide to the identification and classification of Japanese ants and taxonomy.

Madagascan Giant Hissing Cockroach
Advocating raising, handing and using these creepy crawlies as elementary school pets!

Mayfly Central
Take in all that you can handle about the mayfly and its role, habbits and habitats around the globe.

Mosquito Bytes
Keep up on the various diseases, pest control methods and the best way to keep your blood from being sucked.

More than just buzzing annoyances, mosquitoes have many interesting facts, photos and diseases.

Myrmecology -- The Science about Ants
Information about the scientific study of ants. Includes sections on habitat, biology, and recommended reading.

Links to regional odonatology clubs, promotional material for videos and a bit of useful info on this science of the study of dragonflies and damselflies.

Members of the pest control community can come together and exchange ideas, envoke discussion and learn how to kill little critters better.

Tick Research Laboratory
Devoted to the study of various tick-born diseases and their cure. Sponsored by the University of Rhode Island.

Virtual Insectary
Images of some common insects, including information on the foods they eat as well as the habitats where they can be found.

Wondrous Praying Mantis
Personal site from a breeder of mantises and a lover of insects. Providing environmental, biological and behavioral insights.

Yucky Bug World
Worms, roaches, and the various mites that live on every square inch of your body. Stop here to make your flesh crawl.

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