Red Rover

In this game, the kids form two opposing lines and attempt to "break through" the opposing team's line.

At first, two teams are chosen of equal size, and they form two lines, facing each other and holding hands.

One side starts by picking a person on the opposing team and saying "Red Rover, Red Rover, send <Jason> right over"

Jason then lets go of his teammates and begins a headlong rush for the other line. His goal is to break through the line by overpowering the kid's hold on eachother.

If Jason breaks through, he chooses one person for the opposing team to join his team, and they both go back and join in their line.

If he fails to break through, Jason becomes part of the other team.

Each team alternates calling people over until one team has all the people and is declared the winner.

Note that since all the players are on the winning team at the end, there really are no losers in this game.

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